‘Visions or dreams and the mystery lady and more !
As soon as you see this, most of you will say, “he is back again with his dreams and visions conspiracy” . The reason why I mention about it is because i experience it every day. In a week, i see at least 15 visions and some of them i am able to recollect and some of them I don’t. But they all have had a clue as if like a movie with a puzzle . I have also witnessed that sometimes i experience my body is landing down to the bed while my body is light weighted as if some kinda fluid vibrating like ripples within my body just like how an aeroplane lands on to the runway.
I must mention here the vision which was a serious disturbance since my childhood. I could never recollect what it was but as it finished every time, i would wake up completely shocked and I would try to recollect asking myself, “What did I see, What did i see” but would fail to do so and the only conclusion I had was that it was really impactful, beyond my capacity to digest. But that day arrived when i could decode it or rather I literally saw it live. To be more precise, the vision which I should have seen while I was asleep, someone pressed the play button with a wrong timing and i witnessed the vision, initially I thought that it wont be horrifying but its just that it will shock you if you are not used to seeing such things in your normal life. So, what was the vision? Here it goes, I was awake and I see this red colored background over my forehead. And then I see a number and its starts to advance to the next number continuously like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and so on within a matter of milli seconds and it keeps progressing and as it progresses, the speed also progresses, so within no time it almost crossed 30000 and so does the speed and along with the speeding number, my mind is also travelling along with it just like what we see during a rocket launch. Just imagine your mind is travelling in accordance to the speed of a rocket. So the way the speeding of the number was progressing, I concluded that it was not going to stop and with each number, the speed will keep increasing second by second moving to the next level. And while all this is going on, I was thinking how to stop it, how to shut the process? Well, what could I do? If I convey to anyone else, either they will conclude that am mad or they will give foolish solutions because I am going through the experience, not they. Finally, i chose a simple remedy, closed my eyes and asked myself to relax , ignore it, not making a fuss about it. So, i could decode the vision at the age of 29, although not sure about the reason behind it, it took me so many years and since then I didn’t have to face it again. So many years, i have been shocked with it but not in its last appearance. Since then, it has not appeared. I bid good bye to it but one thing for sure, if next time, it would come, i wont be shocked.

If I start to take these visions seriously, most of my life would be a big time waste. So i ignore but because I have this annoying memory I keep wondering about the root cause of her appearance. Her? Yea! why is this mystery lady appearing in my vision every now and then and trying to give me a clue. I dont know! The funny thing is I dont think even she would be knowing that she comes in my dreams. Hahahaha, what a funny catastrophe. This so happened in the year 2004, and I see this vision in which she is standing along with my mother in the front yard of a 2 floored home and I am watching her from the top floor through the window and am wondering, what is she doing, standing with my mother and as soon as she sees that I am peeping through the window, I move away. The funny thing is, about 14 years later i.e in the year 2018, my dad builds a home near my mother’s native place and it was this exact home which i saw in the vision in 2004. What a bloody coincidence.
I see this mystery lady walking around in an apartment amidst a few people. And so my assumption was that someone staying in an apartment must be going through some serious trouble. And indeed. My relative who was staying in an apartment phoned me the next day and before she spoke, I asked her, “ Is there a quarrel going on”?

Once, because I was bored with life, I thought I will start a music band not like the usual ones but only with the back up of tabla and harmonium and only melodious or devotional songs. So that day itself, the mystery lady appears, She comes to me with a book and pen and asks, “do you sing?” and I said “Yes” and she writes my name. My conclusion on this was, may be I am taking a wrong step.
Discussions were going on within home about my shift to Canada. And on that day, here comes the msytery lady . So the vision was , “I am sitting inside a room, talking to my schoolmate”. The lady enters the room and asks “who are you talking to?” I said “him” and she waves hi to him and leaves. The schoolmate is someone who is living in Canada. My conclusion on this was, “Canada might not be a right choice “..

On this one, I dont know why I saw this vision. I ring the calling bell of a home. The mystery lady comes out and greets me to come inside. I ask her, “no one else is there inside?” She said, “No”. I join my hands with a “spare me” expression. She cries n walks inside.
On this one, The mystery lady is sitting on top of a rock and as soon as she sees me, she gestures me to go near her! I have no conclusion on this.
On this one, I dont know why but i saw the mystery lady with a big bang make up and I especially noted the lip-stick, it was deep red. I have no conclusion on this either.
With regard to the mystery lady, by 2019, I had assumed that if am taking a wrong decision, she would appear in my vision to notify me and rectify the decision. So, I thought now that I have realized why she appears in my vision, she wont come again. But no, she keeps coming. Anyways, let me invite your attention to the other visions that I saw.
A vision where am standing on the slope of a mountain along with some soldiers. I command the soldier near me, “Fire” and he fires towards the enemy. Suddenly a missile is fired by the enemy right into my chest. Hahahaha!
Another, my mom knocks at my door and with fear she says, “There Is somebody near the kitchen. I heard the sound of anklets”. I went to find out if there was anyone. And I see Goddess Lakshmi smiling at me. She was beautiful. I bow down with respect. She blessed me. Mom asks me who was It, I said, “that’s My dear Lakshmi”. Later on, I told about the vision to mom & she asks, So, didn’t I see her? I lied, “Yes! Of course you did.”

Another one, felt as If the wind was piercing through my brain. I could sense It. And then I see a friend standing on the ground. When I woke up, I still had that sensation inside my head.
Another one, I was sitting on a chair and in front of me were Arnab Goswami, the noted journalist and Amitabh Bachchan & Abhishek Bachchan. Together they gave me a gift and before I could open it, I started to cry.
I enter an office and here is seated Narendra Modi who was talking to someone else. He asked me to be seated. As soon as the other guy left, he asked me, “How can I help you”? I gave him an envelope and he went through the documents. He said, “I will definitely look into it”. I replied, “Thanks” and I left.
Once I saw Sai Baba in my room. He placed his hand on my head and said “God bless you”.
My master who is a monk places his hand on my head and I lose complete consciousness of this world, immersed In bliss.
I am in Mata Amritanandamayi’s meditation room along with her disciples waiting for her to come. Here she comes, everyone stands up. And she politely asks, “shall we meditate”?. All start to meditate. Within few seconds, I got immersed In bliss and the entire room got brightened up with the light that was radiating from my heart. The lady seated next to me stood up and started dancing in complete bliss.
The most funny thing is this one. My parents were very troubled with my way of life. So one fine morning i.e exactly about 10:30 am, my parents ousted me from home and actually I was very happy but practically I had no money to stay anywhere else except in a monastery. I phoned my friend to explain the event, and before I could say anything, he asked me, “Your dad asked you to get out right “? And I surprisingly inquired, “How did you know?”..His reply made me laugh, “ Early morning 3, I saw in a vision that your dad was asking you to get out from your home”…
Once my Guru asked me to do the Deeparadhana (evening puja) as he had to attend a function. I hate conducting pujas but then I had to do It. Here was the time! The usual protocol is that you make sound with the bell In your left hand and simultaneously you had to do the Aarti. First with the Incense stick and then with the camphor. Here was My way, I asked Arjun to handle the bell. And I did the Aarti! It took me five Minutes than the proper 15 Minutes. Arjun was unhappy with My attitude. Next day, Arjun tells My Guru, “Nishant is not an ordinary guy, am I right?” Guru asked why? what happened. I saw a dream yesterday, Nishant was doing the Aarti and the entire Ashram got filled up with rays of light. Isn’t it a boon to be accompanied by such men? I was listening to the conversation and laughed inside. Arjun comes to my room & I pretended that I was asleep.
All these visions, as the name suggests , are visuals that i saw when asleep. But once, i heard a voice. So, what should it be called, “Vocal" instead of vision. So the voice was, “ Your death will be with my hands" and i replied, “ It is I who exists in that very death itself "