Thanks to JACK MA, Alibaba

Nishant Netaji
13 min readAug 4, 2019



As I write this, let me convey that the title of this writing was supposed to be “The Management lessons I learned” but it was also in my mind that I don’t think people who know me would agree with me and it was then, as one hell of a coincidence that I saw an interview with the Alibaba founder, Jack Ma. In the interview, he mentions that “When you are before 30 years old, follow somebody, go to a small company. Normally in a big company, it is good to learn processing, you are part of a big machine. But, when you go to a small company, you learn the passion, you learn the dreams, you learn how to do a lot of things at one time. So, before 30 years old, it’s not which company you go to, it is which boss you follow. It’s very important! A good boss teaches you differently”.

So how did I end up being part of a small company, that’s the question. Luckily, during my final year of college, I got introduced to Multi-Level Marketing(MLM)Industry and because of that, I met Mr. Mohan Surya. I was in no mood to do a white-collar job and also the spirit of words like Passion, Dream, Vision, etc all had struck my head that I was in a way sure that a job is not a part of my forte. My stint with MLM also ended as my expense was higher than income and also that I could sense that no more lessons need to be learned from MLM.

Mr. Mohan Surya, who was a Lecturer of Photography in a reputed Institute had a plan to start an Advertising & Event Management Company with some of his students and 2 associates from the MLM Industry. He invited me to be a part of the venture but I politely refused it citing that I have no money to invest. Well, a few months later everything turned upside down. Mohan complained to me that the students are fooling around and the associates are not ethical. Mohan requested me to handle his office which was dominated by his students. I agreed to sort this out. And thus starts, “The Management lessons I learned”.

Mohan had never discussed with others on how to run the venture and that was the first mistake that pushed the students off-track. I was asked to intervene, and all I did was I entered their office and without any hesitation started using the computer. This evoked a sense of ego in the students and late evening, they asked Mohan, What authority do I have to do so and Mohan replied that I was the newly appointed Manager. The next day, another meeting was conducted and the partnership towards the organization was expelled. So, what was left, an Event Management/Advertising Organization, an experienced photographer and myself who is in the quest to know what I am all about.

We had some serious challenges when it comes to the operational cost monthly and of course, the business location was not rewarding enough. In the meantime, what I realized was that I am not going to learn what needs to be done but rather what not to be done. I was impressive in the business but the only drawback was I allowed Mohan to take the charge as he had this assumption that he was more experienced and the trade was his forte and Mohan was 12 years elder to me. To conclude, what I felt is the only person who was his enemy for a successful entrepreneurial journey, was he. Mohan only wanted my presence as nothing less than a statue and I had no other option as well, so I chose to be a spectator as someone waiting for the tide to turn in my favor and Mohan realizes that the guy with you, who is yes of a younger age is not an ordinary guy and he can do a lot of things for you. Damn it! How can I tell him that you are good for nothing in business and I am far better than you? Instead, I chose to be silent and experience peace and Mohan was in big-time stress. Mohan was undoubtedly a Creative photographer but a bad Manager and I could have taken that place and in fact, that should have been my place but if someone has no vision if someone always looks down, how will I be able to convince him?

Finally, Mohan decides to shift from the current office to his photography studio which was run by his dad just because his dad had decided to retire and not with the thought of a 70-year-old man who was convinced at his son’s abilities. Mohan’s dad had once told me that he is planning to rent the studio to a mango seller who agreed to pay him 8000 per month and I had to use my negotiation skills to stop him do that. Anyways, this time, the location is perfect, we have ample contacts, now all that is lacking is Vision. So now, the list of services was passport size photo, pan card size photo, stamp size photo, 6inch by 4inch size photo, 5inch by 7inch size photo, graphic designing, video editing and works that we outsource for photography, videography, event management, business printing right from visiting cards to big banners, etc. In a way, I was happy for how things have turned up, just because of luck and now all we had to do was making full use of the scenario. But Mohan was this typical traditional conventional guy who would come every morning to open the studio and light the lamp, pray to God and then think about all those stupid things in life which did no good to his business.

I use to observe the operation from close quarters and I and Mohan’s dad were in equilibrium as we had concluded that Mohan was unfit for business. Some of my observations are that Mohan would always drag his personal issues inside the studio, the control of the studio was not with Mohan but with unprofessional employees, all the issues of office were left unattended giving room for grudges among each other, even before a new idea is conveyed, Mohan’s answer was no and Mohan would say the same idea after about 6 months or so to me and I would say a yes or great. I concluded that Mohan was not only ineligible but awkward or illogical.

And I decided to make a big mistake which was to intervene in the matters of the studio. My position was nothing less than that of an owner who cared the least for money but cared the most for getting the tasks accomplished and impress the customers. So, the first drawback which I thought should be attended was that there was no air circulation inside the studio and it was seriously affecting our health. I asked Mohan to buy an Air conditioner but he didn’t value my suggestion. It was then that once I got angry with Mohan when a customer made an unforgettable statement, “ Hey, Are you sure that there is oxygen inside this room”? That statement eventually welcomed an Air conditioner which was not meant to have that typical cool ambiance that we experience in Coffee shops but just to get fresh air.

My next target was unprofessional and egoistic employees. It was evident that the ego had a strong base because it was unattended or ignored for a long time. So, what I mean with that is Work culture was pathetic. I decided to learn photoshop and also how to operate the camera to ensure that the basic requirement can be fulfilled by me even if there are no employees. Things were so easy for the employees, they had an Airconditioned workplace, there was internet, computers, photoshop, what else would you want but this was my thinking alone. The employees had this attitude that they knew everything about Photoshop and if I ask a doubt on it, they say it can’t be done in photoshop and I started to rely on youtube channels to learn new features of Photoshop and I concluded that Photoshop was a vast ocean but the attitude of the employees was as if they created Photoshop!

It so occurred one day, that the Video Editor sought permission to work in the night shift and he was allowed to. I asked Mohan to inform others that only the Video Editor needs to be in the studio at night and others are not expected to. The Graphic designer didn’t oblige and above all when I phoned him the next morning to inquire about his absence, he was in his lodge and he came 30 minutes late. Before he entered the studio, I conveyed to him that even if you work today, you won’t get paid, so you better go. The employee called Mohan and Mohan asked him to work. I questioned the employee again, to which his reply was, “Who are you to question me? Mohan has asked me to sit. By the way, before you create all these kind of scenes, you should know that I have not been paid salary for the past 3 months.” I replied, “We have a meeting at night, and you should be present here for that”. So, it was the meeting time, me, Mohan & the employee. I started by saying that, “ Mohan, yesterday, did you instruct him not to stay in the studio for the night shift. “? Mohan said “Yes”. So, my question is when you, the owner of the studio gave him a prior instruction and he does not oblige, what is the message I should take from it. If he has a task to accomplish just like the Video Editor, I can understand but my concern is he does not have a task and above all you had given him the instruction, not to stay late at night. Fine! Granted! The next day he comes late by 30 minutes, did he show the courtesy to phone you or me to say that he will be late? And it is evident what exactly the reason was for his late coming. Today morning, when I questioned him, which of course is my duty he mentions that he has not received a salary for the past 3 months. Fair enough! Now my question is when you did not get a salary for a month, what did you do about it? Nothing! Then, no salary for the next month? Again , nothing. Then no salary for the last month, again you didn’t take any action. Why didn’t you take any action? Arey! When this organization is not paying you a salary, why are you sitting here? Why don’t you go away? Has anyone chained you here? I know you will not go because where will you get such a comfort zone. I have seen Mohan taking money on finance and then paying the salary of employees. I will never do that. So, when Mohan pays you 13000 per month, I should get some profit out of it, at least 26000 right? Forget profit, break-even is fine! I am not getting even that! And because of that Mohan is going on minus. So why is Mohan going on the minus, why is it that you are not getting paid promptly. The reason is simple, it is your attitude that you showed in a matter of certain hours yesterday and today. Also, you asked, “Who am I to question you”? My decision is today is your last day in this organization. So when I say that it is my decision, it means it is this organizations’ decision. So you can figure it out, Who am I to question you? And about your 3 months’ salary, forget it!

Another humorous employee was a graphic designer who used to watch porn movies while working. First I thought to ignore it but then it would be like Mohan would be paying him a salary for watching porn in the studio. I sat near the graphic designer and asked him to type Ctrl + H and so it showed in the History section, a list of porn videos that he has been watching for the past 2 weeks. Without any hesitation, he straightaway apologized and I particularly told him that “I have no issue with this. Let me ask you if you want to pee, will you do it in this room or you will go to the toilet”. He replied, “Toilet”. My advice is if you want to watch it, go home and watch it. This is not the place for it. And he smiled.

Another issue was Money Management. Mohan was a big-time loser in Money Management and it so started to happen that Mohan started to avail money on finance and pay the dues from the studio’s profit. This means when the studio which progressed from loss to profit is still in the same state, as before we didn’t have money and we don’t have money even now because the money is going to the money lenders. So, now the studio was operated with two management principles, one was constructive and the other was destructive. By this time, I was in such a position that Mohan did not have the guts to question my decisions as it was evident that the studio is progressing without him. And in spite of all the differences in conducting the business, we were good friends.

I had three things in my mind, how to increase the revenue of the Studio, prompt salary payment for the employees and satisfied customers. We took a loan for buying Photostat machine, Photo scanner, Lamination machine and Spiral binding which means the number of verticals of earning revenue increased with more scope of customers coming to us.

Prompt salary payment for the employees and the obstruction to that was Mohan because the money that should be spent on paying the salary of the employees is diverted to his financial dealings. One day, I saw an employee disappointed and when asked, he conveyed that he was not paid the salary. And my reply to him was, both of us are here as employees, there might be a difference in the degree of authority, why is it that you are unpaid and I am paid. I always think what all can be done and what I mean is learning. You have been here for so long, and there are a lot of things to be learned from your side. Increase your skill, be engaged with time in learning new things and serving the customers, if you can assure that to me, I will take care of you. My point is when you look at the mirror, you should have that confidence that yes I deserve to be paid the salary. I introduced a simple concept, bought a new book and mention the date of the month and all the verticals of service and I requested the employees to mention all the transactions into the book every day so that we get to know how much we earn and how much we should be earning. Also, to ensure prompt payment for the employees, I asked each employee to take money daily whatever is available and mention it in the book.

The work culture changed! Employees had their focus on learning new skills and serving the customers. Moreover, the employee had an assurance, if there occurs any issue, there will be an attempt to resolve it than leaving it unattended like before. Happy employees mean happy customers, means more business, means no time to think anything else whatsoever. So, I explained my way of working to all. I would always pick one task and mostly that would be learning photoshop or some online courses, which means my mind is trying to focus on the task, and there will be a force always who would want to deviate your focus from the task. If you are not focussed, which is what the force wants to happen, you will never face any challenge. But if you have something to focus on, the force will try as much as possible to achieve success. This is a general explanation. Now, let me be specific, when you try to focus, the force will try to make you deviate and the name of that attempt or deviation is what we call customers. So the more you try to focus, the more the customers will come to deviate you from what you were trying to focus on. This might be illogical for most people, but I do not doubt this theory whatsoever.

One big message that every employee had in mind was that I i.e Nishant has handled the studio all alone which means be it photostat, spiral binding, lamination, scanning photo, clicking photos, editing photos, Data entry, printing files, etc etc etc, All in one! And I was so busy those days that I just had no time to think anything else.

One day, I saw a vision, some call it a dream that Mohan grabbed my neck from behind and I turned around to grab him and said, “So it’s you”. The next day, Mohan says that he wants to talk to me in private and I knew something is about to happen. Mohan asks me to either stay in hermitage or stay at my home instead of staying in a lodge. I replied, “Have I ever interfered in your personal life?” Mohan said, “No”. I asked, “Do you know why?” Mohan said, “No”. I said, “Because, I don’t want you to interfere in my personal life. I will stay wherever I want. I might even stay in a brothel, who are you to question that”. Mohan makes a hilarious comment, “ It is because of your parent’s curse, I’m unable to succeed in life.” So I asked, “So, is it like you did everything perfectly in life and the curse of my parents are upon you that you don’t succeed? And by the way, why should my parents curse you on, on what regard. I am the same person with no bad habits at all. Now, if you are talking to me about the curse of parents, then there is a name I have in my mind, whose parent’s curse should be upon you (Mohan had an extra marital affair). Now that you have conveyed me the problem and I am used to finding a solution, I call it quits from this organization. I owe 3200 to a person, so I will be working here for the coming 2 weeks to repay that and I am out of this circus. Mohan intervenes, “ I didn’t ask you to leave this organization. I asked you to stay either in the hermitage or at home. I am going to visit your Guru and convey this to him”. I said, “When you go to him, tell him that Nishant said, if Swami Sanathananandapuri wants me to stay in the hermitage, he may convey that to me and if am willing, I will do that. Whether or not i stay in the hermitage or home, it is my matter. My decision is final, I am leaving this organization.”

I knew my worth, so I didn’t find it necessary to adapt to his illogical discoveries and irresponsibility anymore.

Professionalism is all about being prompt and transparent.

You change yourself and what you deserve will come to you.

You must leave when you think that you deserve something better.

Work is worship! Nothing is going to happen by lighting a lamp before the image of God. You have to take action!

A funny observation that people who are good in creativity are not good in management. People who are good in management are not good in creativity. People who are good in both creativity and management are not interested to do anything.

Thanks to Mohan, for all the unforgettable lessons !

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Nishant Netaji
Nishant Netaji

Written by Nishant Netaji

Content | Social Media | Story | Script | Lyrics | Poem

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