Sushant Singh Rajput_A mysterious death that made me his fan!
Sushant’s career in the Reel industry were in those times when I didn’t have much interest to see movies, especially those from Bollywood industry or Dawood industry whichever interpretation you find appropriate.
I saw Kai Po Che only because my co brother in law showed me the movie. But even then I didn’t note the name, “Sushant Singh Rajput”. Then I did see some scenes of “M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story” in YouTube. But I never watched the movie and even then my mind was never curious to find out the name of the actor who played the role of Dhoni.
Sushant Singh Rajput becomes a familiar name to me, only after his death. And if at all, it was a natural death, I dont think I would have noted him. But I noted him only because of his mysterious death and the hue and cry that followed after his death by his fans got me glued. We always say or read, “A Star is born”. But here, “ A Star is dead”.
Sushant Singh Rajput was a Star not just because of his movies where he played impressive characters but also because of his character in real life. Sushant was positive, ambitious and down to earth. Sushant was a voracious reader too which included list of books that covered Quantum Physics, Astronomy, Spirituality, Philosophy and many more. In fact, Sushant used to interact with people in twitter regarding the books that each one should explore and he would post about those books in his twitter account “intoxillectual”. And he was regular to post and interact with book readers. Sushant also had listed down his 50 wishes for life on which he was working and gradually succeeding and he had also shared that in the public domain. I think you all should know what they were.
- Learn how to Fly a Plane️
- Train for Iron Man triathlon
- Play a Cricket Match left-handed
- Learn Morse Code
- Help kids learn about Space.
- Play tennis with a Champion
- Do a Four Clap Push-Up ! (1/6)
- Chart trajectories of Moon, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn for a week
- Dive in a Blue-hole
- Perform the Double-Slit experiment
- Plant 1000 Trees
- Spend an evening in my Delhi College of Engineering hostel
- Send 100 KIDS for workshops in ISRO/ NASA
- Meditate in Kailash
- Play Poker with a Champ
- Write a Book
- Visit CERN
- Paint aurora borealis
- Attend another NASA workshop
- 6 pack abs in 6 months
- Swim in Cenotes
- Teach Coding to visually impaired
- Spend a Week in a Jungle
- Understand Vedic Astrology
- Disneyland
- Visit LIGO.
- Raise a horse
- Learn at least 10 Dance forms
29. Work for Free Education
30. Explore Andromeda with a Powerful Telescope
31. Learn KRIYA Yoga
32. Visit Antarctica
33. Help train Women in Self-defense
34. Shoot an Active Volcano
35. Learn how to Farm
36. Teach dance to kids
37. Be an Ambidextrous Archer
38. Finish reading the entire Resnick — Halliday physics book
39. Understand Polynesian astronomy
40. Learn Guitar Chords of my fav. 50 songs
41. Play Chess with a Champion
42. Own a Lamborghini
43. Visit St.Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna
44. Perform experiments of Cymatics
45. Help prepare students for Indian Defence Forces
46. Make a documentary on Swami Vivekananda
47. Learn to Surf
48. Work in AI & exponential technologies
49. Learn Capoeira
50. Travel through Europe by train
I also want to notify that Sushant donated 1.25 crores to Nagaland in the year 2018 when it was hit by floods. Sushant also donated 1 crore to Kerala in the same year when it was hit by floods.
During his days of education, he had won the National Olympiad in Physics.
It is also said that he secured rank 7 in AIEEE. (All India Engineering Entrance Exam).
If you analyze SSR as a personality, he was good in acting, dancing, there were also videos where he used to sing bhajans, he had interests in topics which very rare would want to explore — a good reader, he used to interact with fans, was active in charity. He was the founder of a non profit organization and the Co-founder of a technological startup too. He was rich too. And definitely had bright future with a genuine fan following. Someone who never hesitated to push his limits, with respect to body, mind and Soul. Why am I conveying all these? You might wonder!
Why would such a man commit suicide?

The whole Dawood(Bollywood) Industry is silent on it. Why? As per the marks on Sushant’s body clearly suggests that it is a murder which of course cannot be identified by the Cooper Hospital, Mumbai who have a long history of declaring Murders as suicides and that could be the exact reason why Sushant’s deceased body was exactly taken to Cooper alone and not to a nearby hospital.
This game is not a new game played by Anti-Socials in Dawood(Bollywood) industry. We have lot of names like Parveen Babi, Divya Bharti, Kunal Singh, Jiah Khan, Sridevi, Disha Salian and Sushant Singh Rajput. What were common in these incidents? The scope of committing suicide or occurrence of accidental death was nil. All of them were super successful in their career and never showed a sign of probable death which could be suicidal or accidental. Also, the bodies of each one of them clearly had those injuries and all those details are available in the public domain.
I should be sick to watch Bollywood movies which has been serving me Shit and nothing else. And what is even more funny is, when i spend my hard earned money to see visuals of such sub standard thought process , it is called entertainment and that a certain portion of it goes to a D-Gang which is trying its best, being part of a Syndicate to carry out Anti-India movements.
I boycott Dawood (Bollywood)!

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