Sons, Daughters, Sisters and Brothers!

There were days in my life when I used to blame people around me for my failures. I would particularly pinpoint what each one did one by one which gradually resulted to my downfall. Yes, its true that no one resisted that they contributed for what I considered as failure but they also added that it was necessary at that point of time for them to do those things as they considered it as right.
Today, I don't blame anyone neither I take credit for any kind of success for I have some strong reasons and the primary one is detachment. Do your best and forget the rest. Life taught me that to expect returns for your work is the most foolish thing to do. Work for the work sake, no rights to the fruits thereof — a quote I remember from the book penned by Swami Vivekananda. Now, you must be thinking that am conveying only about attaining or excelling in materialistic results. Not just that!
Its about inner peace too. Happiness too. What brings happiness in life? What brings that state in life that you are completely satisfied with? Now let me put across the question in the right frame, “What attracts you those things such that you remain completely calm, no matter what kind of situation you go through”? Although this question no longer bothers me, I have had to witness many of my good friends to be worried about their current situation despite being talented and also having good character. Sometimes, they ask themselves, “What wrong did I do? I did my tasks well. Why am i getting ousted. Why is it that during the decisive moments, ignorant people take over the scene and spoil the stage. Why is it that people with selfish interests come up and destroy the whole scene which neither is beneficial for them nor for me.
It is a hard truth of life that adversities carves the best out of you through vivid kind of experiences. You might have chosen the right domain but adversities are essential to bring out the best in you after few or many years. All you need to do is hang on.
There are some peculiar categories too, who just don’t know what they need to do next or rather confused for why is Life treating them in a bizarre way. Am no one to interfere in that for my understanding is that they will figure it out in the future and once they figure it out, they will find life more easy and also that they will perform in a very good pace to make up for those years in the past which you can call as internship or training years.
The most important message that everyone needs to know is that this life is exactly what each one’s reflection is all about. What you see, you hear, you feel is your reflection. If you spend your quality time, Quality underlined, if you spend your quality time in changing yourself than expecting others to change, life will be equally better. Equally better? Yes, equally better in accordance to your reflection. If I may proceed to invite your attention, there are two ways of looking at life, one is the subjective, the one that interprets life in accordance to your capacity and the other one is objective, the one that what life truly is and not what you interpret. So when you have an approach, an inward approach to be in particular and you focus to change yourself with no expectation from others, life is more easy, life is more relaxed, serene and i can combine countless positive keywords.
Life is a mirror, you see what you reflect. I always take the example of a baby. Everyone turns joyful just with the glance of a baby, isn’t it ? The baby is always joyful not because of others, but by default the baby knows no dualities — No good, No bad — No right, No wrong — No friends, No enemies — No ugly, No beautiful and so on and on. For a baby, everything is equal or equilibrium and not subject to any kind of duality or any kind of discrimination.
If you think that life has been mean to you, then that is your problem. But if you think that life has been too mean to you and you have no problem with it and you have high hopes to figure out the reason behind it, if not today but someday or the other, then you are on the right track. The third, that you can think is, “I deserve this”, this is my Karma served on my plate, I am bound to face this. When i mention “Life”, it could be a person, a group, a company or anything.

There is a great quote, “ Be the change you want to see in others”. And you will. When you are compassionate, you will see love 24X7 everyday and everywhere.