Marijuana — so is her name!
Warning: You better not think that I have had Marijuana for a while and then thought to write the following article.
If … If ..If ever I meet a beautiful girl and she conveys that she prefers to change her current name and wants me to suggest a good name, what would that be ? My suggestion would be “M A R I J U A N A”. For me personally, Marijuana is the most classy and simultaneously the most cheeky name that any lady could ever get. Wouldn’t it be great if in real there was a lady named “MARIJUANA CANNABIS”. Wow! So if Marijuana’s father’s name is CANNABIS. What is her mother’s name? I would definitely name her GANJA, very close to GANGA, isn’t it? Inter religious marriage between CANNABIS and GANJA !
She has lot of nick names, also be called as slang names such as Mary Jane, cannabis, ganja, weed, pot, grass, bhang, green, herb, hemp, dagga, airplane, amnesia, black gold, buddha, widow, boom, hash, bubble gum, northern lights, fruity juice, gangster, Afghani #1, skunk, cabbage, catnip, dank, nixon, thirteen, muggle, aunt mary, alfalfa, bud, good giggles, chronic and what not. And remember, all these different names is not for different identities or entities, whatever you may call it, it is just for one and that is MARIJUANA.
Who doesn’t know that this name is a Big-Bang contributor to a lot of music bands. And especially ROCK BANDS. In fact, there is a Rock band who named itself MOTHERJANE inspired from Marijuana, formed in the year 1996.
And some even call her 420, not some but many if we check the numbers, as if the existence of this number is just because of her, as if it just belongs to her, such is the way it is being followed and widely used.
I chose this name not because it is way too good to hear it or pronounce it but because of that state of high when you get into as you surrender to the unknown, forgetting all your ego and you smile, smile and smile as you find some real colorful butterflies, love birds, White unicorns, sky blue river, roses and tulips of vivid colors, Rainbow, cliffs and what not as if God’s most creative poem expressed in pictures. Hang on, Hang on, Hang on — this is just my imagination that it would be the experience when you try Marijuana. If not imagination, it is a hope, that everyone has for Marijuana.
For some, she is a toy. Yes, a toy because far before knowing her, people started to have presumptions about her. Some started to create stories such that people have a prejudice about her. It is so bloody funny that crores and crores of money were dumped into the market to demean her to ensure that people stay away from her.
But there is another side, in fact two more sides, so basically it is a triangle and I hope as I write this, it is limited to a triangle alone because there is every scope for other dimensions as well. One side is a group of people who are hiring writers to create scripts or notes or stories, whatever you may call it and get it involved in marketing such that people automatically have a negative intuition or reflex towards it. Second side is a group of people who know the truth and despite all the legal hurdles to overcome are playing hide and seek, either to experience it for once or on a regular basis. Third side is that few governments have allowed the public to use it within a limited capacity on a monthly basis. Fourth side is the new or rather the next big kinda revolution where governments across nations have granted pharmaceutical companies to use Marijuana to tackle different diseases that people go through. Fifth side is that there are pharmaceutical companies who instead of making use of the positive side, post realization of the scientific merit, are using the negative side which spoils the health of the public despite the option of moving towards the better one which anyway does no harm to their business and pushes to profit or success alone along with taking the community towards better health.

Marijuana was and is and will always be controversial. I cant recollect how many times, some of my friends would tell me, “ Hey! Stay away from him. He is Ganja (marijuana)”. And am like, “So what”? I still remember the day when I refused Marijuana offered by my friend and as he smoked it, didn't feel any kind of sensation or high and after a few minutes I started laughing for no reason as I was standing right near to him. Almost a decade later, I asked a friend of mine to give me a bit of marijuana for I want to know what it is. And a few months later, he brought me, what could be justified as “Grass”. Because I was living with my parents, I did not want to try it then. As it is, I laugh for no reason, just like a baby laughs. So, if I try Marijuana, I might end up hospitalized. For many months, it was kept on the cupboard. One day, my mom asked me, “What is this”? I replied, “It is Marijuana. Don’t worry I haven’t tried it” and she was quick to say, “I am going to throw this”. And I was even more quick to reply, “ Ok. Go ahead”.
One thing is for sure, there will come a day when a mother will ask her Son, “Son! Did you have Marijuana today”? and the son will say, “Yes, mom”.