Manipulation — Beware!
This word came to my mind because as far as I am concerned, this is what is happening all around the world. And I personally think that if you dont agree to it, its just that you dont have a deeper insight of what is happening. Rather all that you see is the surface and not what lies beneath.
This is not an attempt to deviate your attention or to prove that your thought process is not as fine as what you are capable of. But I want you guys to understand that 1 % of the population of this world is manipulating the remaining 99% of the world to satisfy their worldly interests.
Before I move forward, let me explain the word “manipulate”! And here it is, “ control or influence (a person or situation) cleverly or unscrupulously. What is unscrupulous? — -> having or showing no moral principles, not honest or fair.
I want to convey an example! Due to some difference in opinion, a Country declares a war on another. Now, obviously the media houses of both the countries will give you as much information as possible which pulls your attention only to the impact of the war and never to any other aspect of the war. All are glued to outcome of the war just like everyone is glued to a football or cricket game. But I want to pinpoint the manipulation behind this.
When one country declares a war on another, lets say its A who declares war on B. There will be countries who will back A and there will be countries who will back B. So its almost like the war is not just between 2 countries but a few more which means the participation of soldiers and use of weapons would be high.

Now to check the manipulation factor . The story that lies way behind the surface and hardly anyone notices is that the true cause of war was being triggered by the arms and ammunition makers who supply both to the Country A and the Country B and also to those countries who declared support to The Country A and Country B. Probably most of you would be thinking that I am mad. But in reality, this has happened in the past.
Manipulation as such is happening everywhere, so try to dig into the details and never ever trust what is supplied on the surface because our world is not like before, now it always has eagle eyed, selfish and money conscious brutes.
To give you another observation, all through my life I have seen people giving advise or opinions which were not based on a thorough understanding on who i was or what would suit me best but it was based on their foolish assumption and deliver it with authority such that the listener thinks that the advise or opinion will do good. The funny thing is you are being manipulated with the advise and the one who is advising you has been manipulated too by some other person and has never figured out.
I can continue this article with many observations and examples. But here is another one, when you join a MNC and you think that your life is safe and you are happy. There are very rare people who think that the same MNC culture is manipulating. Why is it so? The same company, but one is happy and the other says “its manipulating”. Because the mindset of one is as that of a worker and the other is as that of a entrepreneur. The worker cares of what he or she sees in the surface, the entrepreneur sees all that could be seen in the surface and beneath — concluding that life should not be a repetition but be with challenges — concluding that the human brain is not used as much as its potential.