Kamasutra — ?
Hehe! first of all, as soon as my friends see this , they will say , “ hey look , look, who has written about Kamasutra, it’s Nishant . Can you believe it ? Blah blah blah blah.” But as usual who cares.
Let me admit the fact that Kamasutra has been a book that I always wanted to read but I have not read it till now and that is because it is considered that the book is a sex manual by the majority of people. Even if it is, there is nothing wrong in it either because greats like Swami Vivekananda or a Ramana Maharshi or a Sri Narayana Guru or a Ramakrishna Paramahamsa would not have been born without this act.
The author of Kamasutra is a Sage or Seer or Hermit or Monk or Saint or Sanyasi Vatsyayana. Seers like them are the ones whose plane of existence dwell beyond the layers of sense organs and in this book, he has written about something that falls within the planes of sense organs. I can understand if a monk writes something that helps a seeker to elevate towards the higher realms of spirituality but here it is not so, as far as I know.
I must share a tragic experience i had to go through when I had to visit a friend of my schoolmate along with him. This friend was reading the book “Kamasutra” when we visited his home. And i right away said that he was lucky that he could read the book at home and if I do the same at my home, I will be asked to get married as early as possible because of the misunderstanding that the book is all about sex. But, I was not pleased with his personality, he was completely dark, very lean beyond the normal margin and i sensed something unpleasant as if something is wrong. Within myself I concluded that he must be into Marijuana but its his life, his choice, why should i be bothered, I hardly know him but his presence really made me unpleasant. Within minutes, I wanted to run away from his home. Later on, my schoolmate revealed that he was a drug addict. I dont know but can i convey that his aura was too negative such that i couldn't endure it. I have had many friends in life after College who have given me real time headaches, but this one was too much. I know I have deviated from the topic, so the question is …………………………………………….
What am I going to write on Kamasutra, when I have not read it yet?
The most misunderstood book written about 2000 years before and it is still available to the public. As most think that the book discusses about sex but not completely. Only 20% of the book deals with sex. So when you read sex, it is not sex alone but it is the love making process that it discusses between a husband and wife. I believe you all will agree that France is a nation which is known for its identity of love and they have their own special kiss known as the French Kiss. So when French have introduced just one kind of kiss, 20% of Kamasutra mentions about kisses of more than 40 kind.
Kamasutra also teaches about human values. How to lead your family life, how to raise your children , how to welcome and treat your guests in 3 chapters.
It also mentions the angle of a man to be successful to choose his love lady and mentions all the qualities which the woman should have that pleases a man.
Also, with regard to a woman, how to lead a happy married life, how to contribute to lead a happy family life — nurturing children, how to progress as an individual and also in the society.
This book mentions deeply about Spirituality and conveys that every person goes through four stages in his life to be closer to God and they are Kaamam, Artham, Dharmam, Moksham. Kaamam mentions about lust/desire, Artham mentions about materialistic desire, Dharmam mentions about righteousness, Moksham means you immerse in God.
There is no doubt that this Sanskrit text is a big reference to women empowerment and it is evident that Sage Vatsyayana had lot of respect to women. Infact, it is this text by him which paid a pivotal role to establish the status of women with such high regard. That is why we call nature , “the Mother Nature” and that is why we see lot of epitomes of women inscribed in various temples in India for worship.
Well i can digest about other advices being mentioned in the book, i mean the 80% content but i find it as a contradiction and even funny that this book mentions about sex written in such detail by an author who has never had sex because he is a Sanyasi. Well, the author has not made any such claims about his sexual status in the book. For the time being, i choose to console myself by thinking that he must have had witnessed a couple having sex or someone must have narrated his/her sexual experience or if i think more deep, he must have penned the book by elevating his status towards the highest state of divinity — God alone knows.
Dont you guys think that this text would be a perfect gift for couples, perfect as a wedding gift.