For wish to help — helpless!
I have heard it many times that certain people would want to help the oppressed or the needy or rather are always ready for the welfare of the people for they dream to change the face of the society. It’s like they are on the look for such opportunities as much as possible. There is no doubt that their level of compassion would be at its high. But I do differ with that mentality.
I am that kind of a guy who is so sensitive to other’s feelings that I just refuse to see someone crying because even I will end up crying and the worst part is when I watch movies, I witness myself crying whenever there is an emotional scene or a sentimental one-liner. The reason I am conveying this is I am trying to prove that I do see others feelings or hardships.

This so happened during a function and a Doctor was the chief guest. One among the dignitaries was a Monk. The monk was trying to educate the attendees of the function that “What disasters could prayers do”? With examples, he went on, “A doctor prays — please fill my pocket”, “An advocate prays — please fill my pocket” and so on and on and on. Every educated employee has his/her’s own practice of ignorance but little do they know that it creates havoc. And the monk pinpointed specifically that when a doctor prays, “Oh lord! please fill my pocket” — it means, Oh lord! let the people around this clinic be affected with diseases and let them approach me for cure and I could fill my pocket”. When an advocate prays, “Oh lord!please fill my pocket — it means, Oh lord! let there be more crime and more of disharmony among people such that there arises a need to consult me for legal advice and representation and I could fill my pocket. Scientifically, it is a fact. And I agree to it 100%.
Today, when I see those who are not as fortunate as I am or when I have to go through tough times, I just remind myself that one strong word, “FATE”. There were days when I used to empathize with others, but today am hesitant for a heart full of empathy. There were days when I had enough money in my pocket and there was none who needed help, today I see so many in need of help and I dont have enough money with me. It’s so crazy
I want to introduce Varun Pruthi to all who is a Social Media Influencer. You can call him a Youtuber. By coincidence, I have watched quite a few videos of him where he is seen helping those unfortunates who are going through some serious hardships of life. Varun also creates videos that gives Life lessons that anyone should strive to emulate in their lives. One good reason that I refuse to watch his videos is I end up crying whenever I see him helping the needy.